It's Simply Bonkers How Popular Paddleboarding Has Become in Worcesterhire!

It’s simply bonkers how popular paddleboarding has become in recent years! The sport, once a niche activity, has exploded in popularity across the UK, and it’s easy to see why. Here at Wittering SUP Paddleboarding School based at our idyllic sailing club in Defford, near Pershore in Worcestershire, we've had a front-row seat to this incredible surge, and we couldn't be more thrilled.

In just the past few years, the number of people taking up paddleboarding has skyrocketed. According to Paddle UK (formerly British Canoeing), participation in paddle sports, including paddleboarding, saw a significant increase during the pandemic, with more than 1.5 million adults in the UK trying it for the first time in 2020 alone. This trend has only continued to grow, with paddleboarding becoming a favourite pastime for many seeking both adventure and tranquility on the water.

Our stretch of the River Avon is particularly idyllic for paddleboarding. Starting at the Arden Sailing Club, paddlers can glide under the historic Eckington Bridge and head out towards the picturesque Nafford Lock. The serene waters and stunning natural beauty provide the perfect backdrop for both beginners and experienced paddlers. It’s no wonder our paddleboard lessons in Worcester and Pershore are so popular – the river itself is an incredible draw.

We’ve had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful people through our SUP classes. Each week, new faces join us, eager to learn and experience the joys of stand-up paddleboarding. It’s incredibly rewarding to see our students progress, build confidence, and develop a genuine love for the sport. Our SUP Club sessions have become a hub of community and camaraderie, where lasting friendships are formed. Watching our students evolve from wobbly beginners to proficient paddlers is one of the greatest joys of our work.

One of the most exciting developments in the world of paddleboarding is the rise of SUP yoga. Combining the serenity of yoga with the gentle sway of the water, SUP yoga offers a unique and deeply relaxing experience. We are proud to have Alex, a qualified ASI SUP Yoga instructor, leading our sessions. Her expertise and passion have introduced many to the incredible benefits of practicing yoga on a paddleboard. It’s a fantastic way to enhance balance, strengthen the core, and find a moment of peace amidst the busyness of life.

We often reflect on how lucky we are to work in such a beautiful “office.” The River Avon is a constant source of inspiration and tranquility, and we’re grateful every day for the opportunity to share this special place with others. Whether it’s a stunning sunset paddle or a quiet morning session, there’s something magical about being on the water that never loses its charm.

Paddleboarding isn’t just about fun and adventure; it also offers numerous benefits for both mental and physical health. Physically, it’s a fantastic full-body workout, improving balance, strength, and cardiovascular fitness. Mentally, being on the water can be incredibly calming and meditative, helping to reduce stress and promote a sense of well-being. The rhythmic movement of paddling, combined with the soothing sounds of nature, creates a perfect environment for mindfulness and relaxation.

As an ASI (Academy of Surfing Instructors) paddleboard school, we’re dedicated to providing the best possible experience for our students. Whether you’re interested in our award winning SUP Safari, keen to join a SUP beginners lesson, or curious about trying SUP yoga with Alex, we’re here to guide you every step of the way. The rise in paddleboarding’s popularity has been a joy to witness, and we’re excited to see where this journey takes us next.

Locally, we can't recommend the Worcs SUP group highly enough! This rapidly growing Facebook community boasts over 2,000 members and continues to expand daily, attracting many of our students and customers!

So, if you’ve been considering giving paddleboarding a try, now is the perfect time. Come join us on the River Avon and discover for yourself why this sport has captured the hearts of so many. It’s an experience that’s simply bonkers – in the best possible way!